“Be Authentic.” It’s a phrase that is now so overused, it almost doesn’t register in our minds anymore.

But truth be told, Authentic leadership has never been more important than it is today. Here is a quick, clear breakdown of Authenticity, and how you can easily implement it into your leadership skillset right now.
What exactly is Authenticity?
“Authenticity is more than speaking; Authenticity is also about doing. Every decision we make says something about who we are.” – Simon Sinek
Authenticity boils down to this:
- Sharing how you really feel in a respectful way
- Knowing your core values and staying true to them in your words & actions
- Following through on what you say you’re going to do
- Helping others learn to do the all of the above
Sounds simple enough. Then why are there thousands of books, articles, and podcasts on the topic?
Because Authenticity actually takes tons of self-reflection, work, and time. Most of all, it takes the will and desire to be a better leader.
Why is Authenticity so important for leaders?
Your entire reputation as a leader rides on Authenticity. Leaders with high levels of Authenticity are described as “genuine.” Those who rank low in this skill are often seen as “untrustworthy.”

Genuine (Authentic) leaders create understanding, openness, and feelings of trust in others.
Untrustworthy (Non-Authentic) leaders are guarded, avoid conflict, or are inappropriately blunt. They create mistrust, disharmony, and misunderstandings with others.
As a leader, have you ever noticed that:
- Your most successful client wins come when you use an Authentic passion to sell your products or services?
- Other leaders who can connect and resonate easily with their teams get instantaneous engagement from them, even when they have a tough message to deliver?
- The best MedTech sales reps are those who connect with their customers on a deeper level? Who gain their trust and confidence far beyond what they’re selling?
It’s not because these leaders are “good” or “bad.” It’s directly due to their level of Authentic leadership.
How to be a more Authentic leader
- Build a genuine personal brand—Define your core values, principles, and goals, and always behave in a way that is consistent with them. Genuine leaders aren’t morally superior; they’ve simply done the work to know who they are and who they want to be.
- Be vulnerable—Vulnerability is not a weakness. It’s courageous. Create a transparent work environment and earn your team’s respect by recognizing your mistakes aloud. Then show them you’ve learned from those missteps in your actions going forward.
- Be honest about your feelings—People can’t read minds. Choose the right time to share with your appropriate colleagues the way you truly feel, and explain why. This opens up important dialogue.
- Walk the talk—Honor your commitments. This is huge. Be certain you can follow through on all promises to your team before you make them. Never make promises based on your emotions, which fluctuate constantly.

Benefits of being an Authentic leader
- More easily face challenges + have hard conversations—Have challenging conversations more effectively, given the trust you’ve created with the organization.
- Create space for others’ expression—By being Authentic yourself, you’re giving your team permission to be Authentic also. This encourages them to say what’s on their minds knowing it’s an open, trustworthy environment.
- Make better decisions—Being consistent with your purpose, values, and goals will guide you through ethical dilemmas and strengthen your decision making ability.
- Show what a real leader should look like—You will encourage an environment where everyone will strive to commit to their promises, be open, and align their work with their own core values.
One upside to COVID-19 is that working from home blurred our personal and professional boundaries. This helped us organically bring our Authentic selves into the workplace.
What an excellent invitation for us as leaders to deepen that relationship of trust with our colleagues and teammates moving forward into 2021.
Earn your team’s respect and loyalty by becoming a more Authentic leader. Connect with me to learn how my Executive Coaching services can help you succeed.